Our Summer Holiday Ritual
Did everybody have a good Obon holiday?
At Open Sesame English School, we wax the floor every year during the summer holiday.
We used to do it ourselves, but now we just move everything out of the school and have the professionals do the waxing.
(The professionals did an amazing job! And they are fast.)
When we get everything out, we clean other parts of the school too.
(Masayo having fun with the power washer)
And this year, we put down new carpet tiles in Room B! It’s much nicer!
Whiteboard marker dust has been a headache for years. It stays on the floor and it’s very hard to wipe off. Once it sticks to the floor, chairs drag it and leave black marks on the floor too. We are very happy that now we can just use the vacuum cleaner to get rid of the marker dust!
We hope everyone enjoys the clean floor for a while. 🙂
そして今年は、Room Bにタイルカーペットを敷きました!とってもいい感じです (^^)
ホワイトボードの消しカスは何年も悩みの種になっていました。床にくっつくと拭き取るのがとても大変なんです。そして、くっついたカスがいすに引かれてさらなる汚れを引き起こします(> <)