New Books & Materials!
※英語の後に日本が続きます/Japanese follows after English.
Hello, everyone! Thank you for visiting and reading our blog post.
We had a few days off in February and we went hunting for new books and teaching materials in Osaka!
We bought some picture books for the lending library.
There are tons of good picture books written in English, but for young English learners like our students, it’s not so easy to read them independently. We are always in search of books that are not too difficult for our students to appreciate without getting lost in the language, and these are what we found this time. They are all our favorite books! Chris insisted that we buy “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Seuss, because he grew up reading it, and his new favorite is “Can I Build Another Me?”. It might look familiar, because it’s Shinsuke Yoshitake’s popular Japanese children’s book “ぼくのニセモノをつくるには” translated into English! “Yummy Yucky” would be great for very young children to introduce the concept of taste and food. The whole book repeats the same pattern of a sentence using different kinds of food and things. Another funny book that uses the same sentence pattern to talk about “Do you like 〜?” is “Ketchup on Your Cornflakes?” The pages are split in this book and you can make many different combinations of food. Some of them are very silly like “Ketchup in your bath!” We are pretty sure kids are going to love this! And lastly, “Skeleton Hiccups” is Masayo’s favorite and she’s looking forward to reading it to our students this Halloween! (sorry, you’ll have wait till after the Halloween lessons to lend it…)
In Japan, you don’t get many opportunities to experience authentic English outside of English class, but you can do that with books. And, believe it or not, children’s books are great for adults to learn English expressions! The sentences are simple enough that you can use them in your daily conversation.
We also bought things to add to our materials for speaking practice.
We will be using them in class with our junior high students and up.
We use textbooks for lessons but we also like doing activities like these to get students to talk about themselves freely in a fun and a little more relaxing way. Like we said in the last post, the more you try and talk, the better English speaker you will be!
Thanks for reading, and see you next time!
皆さん、こんにちは! ブログを読んで頂きありがとうございます。
クリスのマストバイは、子どもの頃に読んだDr. Seussの”Green Eggs and Ham” と最近のお気に入り”Can I Build Another Me?”。これはヨシタケシンスケさんの人気の絵本「ぼくのニセモノをつくるには」を英訳したものなので、見た事がある人もいるかもしれませんね。”Yummy Yucky”は、就学前の小さなお子さんに美味しさや食べ物の概念を紹介するのにとても良いと思います。食べ物や物の名前を使った同じパターンのセンテンスの繰り返しでお話が進みます。もう一つ、「〜が好きですか?」というセンテンスの繰り返しを使った面白い本が”Ketchup on Your Cornflakes”です。各ページ、真ん中で分かれていて、上下別々にめくれるようになっているので、色々な組み合わせの食べ物を作ることができます。「ケチャップの入ったお風呂」といったとても面白いものもあるんですよ!きっと子ども達が大好きな本になると思います。そして最後にマサヨの好きな”Skeleton Hiccups”。しゃっくりが止まらないガイコツ君のお話で、今年のハロウィンで皆んなに読むのをとても楽しみにしています。(ごめんなさい、ハロウィンレッスンが終るまで貸し出しできません…)